Get Example source ABAP code based on a different SAP table
ABAP_DYNPRO - Pushbuttons This example demonstrates how pushbuttons on dynpros can be processed.
ABAP_DESCRIPTION The static next dynpro number of dynpro 100 is 100. The screen field of output> is defined as not ready for input in the Screen Painter. When the user chooses a pushbutton, the PAI event is raised. The function code of the pushbutton is assigned to the dynpro field ok_code>, which is then assigned to the identically named ABAP field. The module user_command_0100> is then processed. First, the content of the ok_code> field is copied to the auxiliary variable save_ok> code, and ok_code> is initialized. This procedure is always recommended since it makes sure that the dynpro field ok_code> is also reinitialized in the PBO event and does not contain any unwanted values. Next, in the CASE> structure, a text symbol is assigned to the output> field according to the button that the user chose. This is displayed in the output field on the dynpro. If the user chooses Cancel>, the program is exited.