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ABAP_DYNPRO - Input Help in Dialog Modules This example demonstrates how input helps can be implemented in dialog modules.
ABAP_DESCRIPTION The static next dynpro number of dynpro 100 is 100. The input fields are taken from the program fields carrier> and connection> . The function code of the pushbutton is CANCEL> with the function type E>. The dynpro flow logic is as follows: PROCESS BEFORE OUTPUT. MODULE init. PROCESS AFTER INPUT. MODULE cancel AT EXIT-COMMAND. PROCESS ON VALUE-REQUEST. FIELD carrier MODULE value_carrier. FIELD connection MODULE value_connection.> When selecting the F4> help for the individual fields, the user is shown the following types of input help:
For the airline, the module value_carrier> is called at POV. There, the function module F4IF_FIELD_VALUE_REQUEST> displays the input help of the component CARRIER1> of the structure DEMOF4HELP>> from the ABAP Dictionary, namely the search help DEMOF4DE>. The selection of the user is passed to the dynpro field carrier>.
For the connection, the module value_connection> is called at POV. There, the function module DYNP_VALUES_READ> passes the value of the dynpro field carrier> to the program. SELECT> then extracts the matching values from the database table SPFLI>> into the internal table values_tab> and passes them to the function module F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST>>. The function module displays these values as an input help and passes the selection of the user to the dynpro field connection>.