What does it do? Defines a single database field > in the definition of a DDIC database table using the Dictionary DDL> statement DEFINE TABLE>>.
In front of the field, annotations component_annos>> can be used to specify the same optional component properties as in the definition of a structure using DEFINE STRUCTURE>>.
foreign_key_annos>> can be used to specify the properties of a foreign key dependency defined with foreign_key>> .
geo_annos>> specify the properties of a component with the geodata type> GEOM_EWKB>.
The addition KEY> defines the table field as a key field>.
field> defines the name of the database field.
data_element> or abap.type> is used to define the data type of the table field. The same rules apply as in the definition of a structure component>, except that only elementary types can be specified here.
The addition NOT NULL> is used to set the flag for initial values>.
The addition foreign_key>> can be used to define a foreign key dependency> for a table field. As a prerequisite, the table field must be typed using a data element.
The addition value_help> > can be used to assign a search help to a table field whose data type is defined using a data element. BEGIN_SECTION VERSION 5 OUT This is only useful for table fields used for input fields of dynpros or Web Dynpros (which is not recommended) and the same applies as in the definition of a structure component >. END_SECTION VERSION 5 OUT
ABAP_EXAMPLE_VX5 Definition of DDIC database table DEMO_EXPRESSIONS>> in the Dictionary DDL> of the ABAP Development Tools>. The types of all fields are determined directly using built-in data types in the ABAP Dictionary. @EndUserText.label : 'Database table for Expression Examples' @AbapCatalog.enhancement.category : #NOT_EXTENSIBLE @AbapCatalog.tableCategory : #TRANSPARENT @AbapCatalog.deliveryClass : #A @AbapCatalog.dataMaintenance : #ALLOWED define table demo_expressions { key mandt : mandt not null; key id : char1 not null; num1 : abap.int4; num2 : abap.int4; numlong1 : abap.int8; numlong2 : abap.int8; dec1 : abap.dec(31,0); dec2 : abap.dec(31,10); dec3 : abap.dec(10,3); fltp1 : abap.fltp; fltp2 : abap.fltp; decf1 : abap.df34_dec(31,0); decf2 : abap.df34_dec(31,0); char1 : abap.char(10); char2 : abap.char(10); numc1 : abap.numc(10); numc2 : abap.numc(10); string1 : abap.string(0); string2 : abap.string(0); raw1 : abap.raw(10); raw2 : abap.raw(10); xstring1 : abap.rawstring(0); xstring2 : abap.rawstring(0); dats1 : abap.dats; dats2 : abap.dats; tims1 : abap.tims; tims2 : abap.tims; timestamp1 : abap.dec(15,0); timestamp2 : abap.dec(15,0); }> ABAP_EXAMPLE_END