Get Example source ABAP code based on a different SAP table
ABAP_DDIC - Client Dependency of Database Tables If the first column of a DDIC database table is a key field with the built-in type> CLNT>, the table is client-dependent. In this case, the column contains the client ID> evaluated in client copies> and in implicit client handling > in AB_SQL >.
Latest notes:
Generally, tables in the delivery class> A> are client-dependent, whereas system tables in the delivery classes E>, S>, and W> are client-independent. NON_V5_HINTS
The system table T000>>, which contains the client IDs> of an AS ABAP>, is an exception. The first column has the type CLNT>, but the table is client-independent. If the table is accessed using AB_SQL , the additions USING>> and CLIENT SPECIFIED>> cannot be specified. ABAP_HINT_END