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Database Procedure Proxy (Obsolete)
For each standalone SQLScript procedure in the SAP HANA database , database procedure proxies can be created as repository objects in the ABAP Dictionary. This makes it possible to address the database procedure in the statement CALL DATABASE PROCEDURE. A database procedure proxy can be created as follows:
Using a tool in the ABAP perspective of the ABAP Development Tools. The SQLScript procedure must exist in the SAP HANA Repository.
Using an API in the database procedure proxy library. This makes it possible to create and delete database procedure proxies for SQLScript procedures from any database schemas. The API is based on objects from the class CL_DBPROC_PROXY, accessed using the interface IF_DBPROC_PROXY_PUBLIC_API. A API of this type is created using the factory method GET_PROXY_PUBLIC_API from the factory class CL_DBPROC_PROXY_FACTORY. A further factory method GET_PROXY_QUERY_API makes it possible to create another API, which is used to get information about SQLScript procedures and database procedure proxies.
The database procedure proxy defines the mapping between the database types of the parameter interface of the SQLScript procedure and ABAP data types. The following table lists the currently supported HANA-specific data types and indicates which ABAP Dictionary types they are mapped to by default.