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ABAP_CDS_DDL - WHERE>, Analytical Query
ABAP_SYNTAX ... WHERE cds_cond> ...>
What does it do? Defines a WHERE> condition for the result set of a CDS analytical projection view>. When the CDS projection view is accessed, the result set contains only the data from the projected entity> cds_entity> that meets the condition cds_cond>> specified after WHERE>. The condition is either a single relational expression> rel_expr> or an expression constructed from the Boolean operators> AND >, OR>, and NOT>. In CDS analytical projection views, the following rules apply to the operands and syntax of the WHERE> condition:
Comparison operators> are allowed.
BETWEEN >>, LIKE>>, and INITIAL>> are allowed as relational operators.
The Boolean operators AND>, OR>, and NOT> are supported. Identical fields must be combined with OR> and different fields must be combined with AND>. ABAP_NOTE A filter condition does not support nested negations. The following is not supported: AND NOT field_a <> 'B>. The reason is that NOT > and <> are both negations.
lhs> must be a field of the projected entity specified as analytical dimension field>.
rhs> can be an untyped literal>, a session variable (currently, only $session.system_date> and $session.user_date> are supported), or a parameter. When using the operator LIKE> , rhs> must be a character literal. ABAP_NOTE typed literals> are currently not supported in this position.
Path expressions> path_expr> are not allowed as operands in a WHERE> condition.