SAP CDS SELECT LIST ENTRY V2 Get Example source ABAP code based on a different SAP table
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ABAP_CDS_DDL - CDS View Entity, SELECT>, element> ABAP_SYNTAX ... ${ $[@element_annot1>$] $[@element_annot2>$] ... $[KEY$] ${ field> $[AS alias$] $} $| ${ expose_assoc> $[AS alias$] $} $| ${ path_expr>.element $[AS alias$] $} $| ${ literal> AS alias $} $| ${ parameter> AS alias $} $| ${ session_variable> AS alias $} $| ${ aggr_expr> AS alias $} $| ${ arith_expr> AS alias $} $| ${ builtin_func> AS alias $} $| ${ SQL-based scalar function> AS alias $} $| ${ reuse_exp> AS alias $} $| ${ case_expr> AS alias $} $| ${ cast_expr> AS alias $} ... $}> What does it do? Defines an element of a SELECT> list > of a CDS view entity>. The names of the elements in a SELECT> list must be unique and they are in the same namespace as the parameters> of the view. ABAP Addition 1 ... @element_annot ...> 2 ... KEY> 3 ... AS alias> What does it do? Specifies individual elements in the SELECT> list> of a CDS view entity>. field> defines an element of a data source data_source >> of the current CDS view entity as an element. The field name can be prefixed with the name of the data source or its alternative name. The prefix is separated using a period (.>). AS> can be used to define an alternative element name alias >. If the view entity makes use of multiple data sources> by using one or more join expressions, then all elements in the SELECT> list must> be prefixed with the name of their data source separated by a period (.). The prefix is required in all cases, even if the field names are unique. expose_assoc>> exposes a CDS association >, a CDS composition>, or a CDS to-parent association> using a path expression>. If a CDS association with a filter condition> cds_cond> is exposed, an alternative element name alias > with AS> must be defined. Otherwise, an alternative element name can be defined. path_expr>.element> specifies an element element> of the association target> of the last CDS association of the path expression path_expr>>. The element defined in this way is part of the result set of the CDS view entity and a component of a type defined in ABAP with respect to the CDS view entity. If no alternative element name alias> is defined, the element name is defined by the name of the element named by the path expression. literal>> can be used to declare a literal. AS> must be used to define an alternative element name alias>. parameter>> can be used to specify a parameter from the parameter list>>. An alternative element name using the keyword AS> must be defined, and it cannot be the name pname> of the parameter. session_variable>> can be used to specify a session variable. AS> must be used to define an alternative element name alias>. reuse_exp>> reuses an expression defined in the SELECT> list in another operand position of the same CDS view entity. An alternative element name specified using AS> is required. An SQL-based scalar function> can be defined as an element. An alias name is mandatory. aggr_expr>>, arith_expr>>, builtin_func>>, case_exp>>, and cast_expr>> can be used to specify aggregate expressions, arithmetic expressions, calls of built-in functions, case distinctions, and cast expressions. The expressions and functions are evaluated by the database system when the CDS view entity is accessed. An alternative element name alias > must be defined with the keyword AS>. Elements with the type CHAR> can have a maximum of 1333 characters. Elements with the type LRAW> or LCHR> must be at the end of the view. Only one such element is allowed per view. Furthermore, a field of type INT2> or INT4> must stand directly in front of such an element, representing the maximum length of the element. ABAP_EXAMPLE_VX5 SELECT> list with all possible elements. DDLS DEMO_SALES_CDS_SALES_ORDER_VE ABAP_EXAMPLE_END ABAP Addition What does it do? Specifies annotations for the element. The annotations must be specified before the element using @element_annot>. All possible element annotations are listed in topic element annotations>. Latest notes: An annotation can be used to assign further technical and semantic properties to an element for evaluation by the ABAP runtime framework. Framework-specific annotations> can be used to give the element specific semantic properties that are evaluated by other SAP frameworks. NON_V5_HINTS With respect to the element annotations, publications of a CDS association association> > are handled like any regular element. When a CDS association defined in a different CDS view is exposed, the annotations of prec eding publications are inherited when annotations are evaluated> using the class CL_DD_DDL_ANNOTATION_SERVICE>>. ABAP_HINT_END ABAP Addition What does it do? KEY> is used to define the current element as a key element of the current CDS view entity>. All key elements must be placed without gaps at the start of the SELECT> list.