SAP CDS LITERAL V2 Get Example source ABAP code based on a different SAP table
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ABAP_CDS_DDL - CDS View Entity, literal> CDS literals> can be used in a SELECT> statement> of a CDS view entity>. In CDS, there are two different kinds of literals: Typed literals> (cover most built-in types of the ABAP Dictionary) Untyped literals> (character literals and numeric literals) Rules for escaping in typed and untyped literals in ABAP CDS: A single quote (') must be escaped with a single quote: '...''...' > or with a backslash: '... '...'> A backslash ( ) must be escaped with a backslash: '... ...'> Latest notes: The literal operator> is not supported for CDS literals. Fixed domain values> are not supported in CDS view entities>. However, if a CDS view entity selects data from another CDS entity with fixed domain values, then these elements with fixed domain values can be included in the current view entity. NON_V5_HINTS ABAP_HINT_END