Get Example source ABAP code based on a different SAP table

• #domain ABAP_CDS_SELECT_V1
• :domain ABAP_CDS_SELECT_V1

ABAP_CDS_DDL - DDIC-Based View, literal

... $[#$|:domain.$]'character_literal'$|numeric_literal ...

ABAP Addition
... #$|:domain.

What does it do?
Literal in a SELECT statement of a ABAP_CDS_V1_VIEW . It is either a character literal or a numeric literal:
A character literal 'character_literal' is a character string enclosed in quotation marks. If the character string consists exclusively of digits, the data type of the literal is NUMC. If this is not the case, the data type is CHAR. When activated, the length of the corresponding field in the database system is set to a size at least as large as the actual length of the literal. A character literal can have a maximum of 1333 characters.
A numeric literal numeric_literal is a series of digits between 0 and 9. It can be directly prefixed by a + or - sign and can contain a decimal point (.) after the first digit. A numeric literal without a decimal point is handled as a field of the type INT1, INT2, INT4, or INT8, depending on the value. A numeric literal with a decimal point is floating point number of type FLTP. The value of a numeric literal cannot be greater than the value range of the valid types.
Literals can be used at all operand positions where this is documented.
Escape characters:
A single quote (') must be used to escape a single quote ('...''...' ) in a character literal.

Latest notes:

0.5 is a valid numeric literal, but .5 is not.
Byte-like literals are currently not supported.
A literal prefixed with a sign is interpreted as an arithmetic expression and can be specified in all operand positions where arithmetic expressions are allowed.
The built-in conversion function FLTP_TO_DEC can be used to convert literals with a decimal point to a packed number.
It is not possible to specify a literal in an operand position that expects a type-compliant operand in a data type that is not numeric or character-like, such as UTCLONG. In the following example, the operand after when cannot be specified as literal and therefore, the syntax is invalid: case utcl_current( )
when '2020020720162345' then 'ok'
else 'no'
end as demo

The CDS view demonstrates various literals at operand positions.

ABAP Addition

What does it do?
In certain operand positions, a literal can be prefixed with a name of a DDIC domain domain introduced using the character # or : and separated by a period (.). In this case, a check is made to verify whether the value of the literal is defined as a fixed value in the value range of the domain. If this is not the case or if the domain does not exist as an active domain, a syntax check warning occurs. Apart from this, the literal is handled like a regular literal.
A domain can be specified in front of a literal in the following operand positions:
Element of the SELECT list
Right side of a comparison condition
Parameters passed to built-in functions

Latest notes:

In the case of character literals consisting only of letters, numbers, underscores (_), and slashes (/) and that start with a letter, underscore, or slash, the quotation marks can be omitted after the domain.
#domain.xXx has the same semantics as
Numeric literals can only be checked using fixed values of numeric domains.
Currently, not all potential literal values can be represented as fixed values of domains. For example, a numeric domain can only have positive integers as fixed values and there are no fixed values for domains of type FLTP.

Fixed value EXA of the domain ABDOCTYPE as the operand of the WHERE condition of a view.