Get Example source ABAP code based on a different SAP table
ABAP_CDS - Data Definitions CDS data definitions are written in the CDS data definition language ( CDS DDL >) of ABAP CDS>. CDS data definitions can be used to define the following CDS entities > or CDS DDIC-based entities>:
CDS view entities>
CDS projection views>
CDS table functions>
CDS hierarchies>
CDS custom entities>
CDS abstract entities>
ABAP_CDS_V1_VIEWS > A CDS entity> is a structured object in ABAP CDS. When DDL source code with a CDS data definition is activated, the CDS entity is created in form of a metadata representation in system tables. The CDS entities themselves are not transported. Instead they are created after the transport of a DDL source code when this code is activated in the target system. Each CDS entity is defined in a separate piece of DDL source code > in the ABAP Development Tools (ADT)>. In the development tools, CDS entities are only visible as CDS definitions in their DDL source code. The ABAP runtime framework and other frameworks access the internal metadata of CDS entities. For example, the ABAP runtime framework recognizes a CDS entity as a global type> or as a potential data source of AB-SQL statements. The name of a CDS must be unique accordingly. A CDS entity> represents the following type properties (or signature) as a global data type:
Metadata defined using CDS annotations>
A structured type defined using an element list
Optional parameter interface defined using input parameters
Optional CDS associations> exposed in the element list In ABAP CDS, CDS SQL entities> can be used as data source in other CDS entities. In ABAP, a CDS entity can be specified after the TYPE > addition to reference its structure type and its components in ABAP programs. The components of the structured type are, as usual, specified using the structure component selector cds_entity-comp>. BEGIN_SECTION VERSION 5 OUT The properties of the structured type can be evaluated using RTTI>. END_SECTION VERSION 5 OUT CDS SQL entities> can be accessed in AB-SQL read statements or AMDP> BEGIN_SECTION VERSION 5 OUT but not in Native SQL>. END_SECTION VERSION 5 OUT A CDS entity> cannot be used as a data type in ABAP Dictionary. It cannot, for example, be used as a type of a substructure, as an include structure, or as the row type of a table type. The following sections describe the possible CDS entities and the associated DDL statements:
CDS view entities>
CDS projection views>
CDS table functions>
CDS hierarchies>
CDS custom entities>
CDS abstract entities>
CDS DDIC-based entities> A further section describes the problems that can arise due to cyclical dependencies> between CDS entities.
Latest notes:
CDS entities are in the namespace of all global types> of an AS ABAP.
If a CDS role is defined for a CDS SQL entity> using the CDS DCL> statement DEFINE ROLE>>, implicit access control is applied when the CDS entity is accessed in AB_SQL . Only that data can be accessed that meets the access conditions>. Access control can be switched off using the value #NOT_ALLOWED> for the annotation @AccessControl.authorizationCheck> and using the addition WITH PRIVILEGED ACCESS>> in the FROM>> clause of an AB-SQL query.