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ABAP_CDS - Restrictions in DDL in Cloud Development In CDS DDL>, the following restrictions apply to CDS entities defined by customers and partners in ABAP_SAP_BTP_ENV > and ABAP_S4_CLOUD_ENV >:
In the definition of CDS entities, only repository objects released by SAP, or repository objects in the same software component, can be used.
Only released CDS annotations> can be used. Array elements of annotation arrays> can be specified in square brackets only.
Latest notes:
See Released APIs> for a list of repository objects that are released as APIs in the current system.
In the column API>, the program ABAP_DOCU_CDS_ANNOS_OVERVIEW>> indicates whether an SAP annotation is released for ABAP_SAP_BTP > and other cloud environments. NON_V5_HINTS ABAP_HINT_END