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ABAP_CDS - CDS-managed DDIC Views For ABAP_CDS_V1_VIEWS > defined using the statement DEFINE VIEW>> without the addition ENTITY>>, a CDS-managed DDIC view> is created alongside the CDS entity> when the CDS view is activated. The CDS entity represents the actual CDS view. Properties, such as access controls> defined in CDS, can be defined for the CDS entity only. The CDS-managed DDIC view is used as a technical foundation for ABAP_CDS_V1_VIEWS . It is a read-only DDIC database view> in ABAP Dictionary. The name CDS_DB_VIEW> of the DDIC database view is defined in the definition> of a ABAP_CDS_V1_VIEW with the CDS annotation> @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName>, and is located in the same namespace of all global types> of an AS ABAP. BEGIN_SECTION VERSION 5 OUT The ABAP Dictionary tool> in ABAP Workbench ( SE11>>) is able to display a CDS-managed DDIC view but the view cannot be modified here. END_SECTION VERSION 5 OUT When the CDS view is activated, the corresponding SQL view> is created with the same name. As a data type in ABAP Dictionary, the CDS-managed DDIC view represents like all DDIC database views a flat DDIC structure> with the elements of the CDS> view as components. The CDS-managed DDIC view of a client-dependent> CDS view always has a client column, unlike the CDS entity.