Get Example source ABAP code based on a different SAP table
Application Server ABAP AS ABAP for short. AS ABAP represents the application layer> of an ABAP system> in which ABAP programs> are executed. BEGIN_SECTION VERSION 5 OUT It provides the ABAP runtime framework> and contains communication components such as the RFC interface>, Internet Communication Manager (ICM)> , and ABAP Channels>. It supports Internet protocols (<(>HTTP/HTTPS/SMTP<)>, WebSocket protocol>, and TCP) and XML>. AS ABAP is implemented from a single message server> and one or more ABAP_ASINSTANCES >. It has a system ID> that ABAP users> can use to log on> and a dedicated user administration based on a user master record>. END_SECTION VERSION 5 OUT ABAP_MORE_INFO >