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ABAP_APC - AS ABAP as TCP Socket Client This example demonstrates AS ABAP as a TCP socket client.
ABAP_DESCRIPTION This example demonstrates how an ABAP program can create an APC client for the TCP socket protocol. It is structured in exactly the same way as in the executable example for the WebSocket client, but with the connection made to a TCP socket server. The current front-end computer is used as the TCP socket server here and the freely available Ncat can be downloaded to this computer. This class requires the Ncat.exe directory and the address of the current front-end computer, for which suggestions are made. In addition, a terminator character is needed for the TCP framework structure. When the class is executed, Ncat.exe is started and waits for messages from the APC client. Once a message is sent, this client waits for a message that can be entered in the Ncat window and confirmed using Enter.