ABAP_DESCRIPTION This example calls the following AMDP method > of the class CL_DEMO_AMDP_ABAP_TYPES >>: METH CL_DEMO_AMDP_ABAP_TYPES=>DEMO_ABAP_TYPES In the method, a local table variable mytab> is declared using DECLARE> in SQLScript>. All columns of the table variable are declared using the AMDP> macro> $ABAP.type>> with reference to ABAP types. The first four ABAP types, MANDT>, SYST_UNAME>, SYST_LANGU>, and SYST_DATUM>, are defined in the ABAP Dictionary. Type line_text> comes from a TYPES> statement of its own class. f> stands for the built-in numeric ABAP type. The table variable is filled using assignments to columns with one row, where the specification of the AMDP macro $ABAP.type> is also shown in a CAST> expression. Finally, the content of the table variable is imported into the tabular output parameter itab>, whose row type is made up of components of the same ABAP types, which are used to define the table variable.