SAP ABAP SQL PARAMETERS Get Example source ABAP code based on a different SAP table
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AB_SQL - SQL Parameter Passing sql_para> ABAP_SYNTAX ... ( pname1 = act1, pname2 = act2, ... ) ...> What does it do? Specifies actual parameters act1>, act2>, ... for input parameters pname1>>, pname2>>, ... of a CDS entity> in a parenthesized comma-separated list. Parameters can be passed to non-abstract CDS entities in the following positions in AB-SQL statements: After a CDS entity as the data source> of the FROM> clause> of a query>. After the CDS associations of a path expression > in the data source> of the FROM> clause> and in the specified columns> of a query>. If a CDS entity has input parameters> as the data source data_source>> of a query> or target > of a CDS association specified in a path expression>, a matching actual parameter must be passed to each input parameter as follows: If an input parameter does not have an annotation @Environment.systemField>> , an explicit actual parameter must be specified. If an input parameter has an annotation @Environment.systemField>> with one of the predefined values #SYSTEM_...>>, an explicit actual parameter does not need to be specified. If no actual parameter is specified, AB_SQL passes the nominal value of the system field assigned using the annotation implicitly. Here, only the date and time are taken from the system fields sy-datum> and sy-uzeit> and the language and user name are taken from secure sources. If an input parameter has an annotation @Environment.systemField>> with the predefined value #CLIENT>>, an explicit actual parameter must not be specified. Instead, AB_SQL passes the ID of the current client> or a client specified using USING CLIENT>> implicitly. Literals>, host variables>, or host expressions> can be specified as actual parameters. The name of a host variable must be prefixed with the escape character @>. The data type of the parameter must be convertible to the built-in data type> in the ABAP Dictionary. The built-in data type is specified by the typing> of the parameter. The content of the actual parameter must match the data type of the input parameter in accordance with the rules for a lossless assignment>. Only typed literals are passed directly without conversion. In the following cases, the parentheses ( )> after the name of a CDS entity can be empty or omitted: The function is a CDS table function > without input parameters. The view is a CDS view> with input parameters that are all filled implicitly using the annotation @Environment.systemField>> . Parentheses cannot be specified in CDS views without input parameters or in any dictionary objects. Latest notes: There are currently no optional input parameters for CDS entities and no real replacement values for input parameters. The annotation @Environment.systemField>> bypasses this gap for some environment values by providing the caller with the non-optional parameters implicitly. NON_V5_HINTS Currently, a path expression> in a specified column> in a query> cannot contain any CDS associations for entities with input parameters. When parameters are passed to an entity with parameters, the syntax check is performed in ABAP_STRICT_740_SP08 strict mode from 7.40 SP08 / . If a host expression is specified as an actual parameter, the syntax check is performed in ABAP_STRICT_760 strict mode from ABAP_RELEASE ABAP_760 / . If a path expression> is used at the same time or if a parameter is passed in a path expression, the syntax check is performed in ABAP_STRICT_767 strict mode from ABAP_RELEASE ABAP_767 / . ABAP_HINT_END ABAP_EXAMPLE_VX5 Passing of a time zone to the input parameter tz> of the CDS view entity demo_cds_assoc_sairport_tz>. ABEXA 01200 ABAP_EXAMPLE_END ABAP_EXAMPLE_ABEXA SELECT>, CDS View Entity with Input Parameters> ABAP_EXAMPLE_END