Get Example source ABAP code based on a different SAP table
AB_SQL - Null Values A null value is a special value returned by a database> in order to indicate an undefined value or result. Null values do not correspond to any content of data objects> in ABAP. Especially, a null value is not the same as a type-dependent initial value. In AB-SQL >, null values can be handled using one of the following:
The condition IS NULL>>
The special expression sql_null>>
A null indicator>
The function coalesce>>
The parameter on_null> in date/time conversion functions> AB-SQL statements for write access> generally do not create null values, except when processing views> that do not cover all columns of a database table. As values of database fields, null values might occur in the following situations:
Depending on the database system>, empty strings> can also be represented by null values.
Null values can be produced in DDIC database tables if new columns are appended to filled tables. In read accesses with the AB-SQL statement SELECT>>, null values can be produced by