Get Example source ABAP code based on a different SAP table

Modularization Statements
Each ABAP program is modularized by processing blocks. Each accessible statement of an ABAP program that does not belong to the global declaration part of the program belongs to a processing block.
The possible processing blocks are:
Procedures ABAP statements are used to process procedures. Possible procedures are: Methods
BEGIN_SECTION VERSION 5 OUT , function modules, and subroutines
Dialog modules Dynpro flow logic is used to process dialog modules.
Event blocks Events in the ABAP runtime framework are used to process event blocks.
Processing blocks are arranged in any order in the source code of an ABAP program. Non-declarative statements that are listed between or after completed processing blocks cannot be accessed and can never be executed. The syntax check reports such dead source code as errors. Declarative statements that are listed between or after completed processing blocks are part of the global data declarations of an ABAP program and are visible in all subsequent processing blocks.