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Exceptions in ABAP Statements Error situations that occur during the execution of an ABAP statement raise exceptions. These exceptions are fully integrated into the exception concept> and are raised by the runtime framework. Two types of exception exist:
Catchable exceptions>, which are based on predefined> exception classes>.
Uncatchable exceptions>, which directly produce runtime errors>. Each catchable exception is assigned to a runtime error that terminates the program if the exception is neither caught by using the CATCH>> statement with a suitable exception class nor propagated to a caller. The keyword documentation lists the type of exceptions that can be raised for each statement. BEGIN_SECTION VERSION 5 OUT For reasons of backward compatibility, catchable exceptions raised by many ABAP statements can be caught by using
TRY ... CATCH ... ENDTRY>> This is the recommended way.
CATCH SYSTEM-EXCEPTIONS ... ENDCATCH>> This statement is obsolete. To use it, the runtime error assigned to the exception class must be catchable> itself. Within processing blocks, the two mechanisms prevent each other from handling exceptions. It is advisable to catch an exception between TRY ... ENDTRY> using CATCH> or to use the RAISING> addition in the definition of the interface to propagate it to the caller. Catching exceptions using CATCH SYSTEM-EXCEPTIONS> is no longer recommended. END_SECTION VERSION 5 OUT
ABAP_EXAMPLE_VX5 Unhandled exception. The following program lines produce the runtime error COMPUTE_INT_ZERODIVIDE> because division by zero is invalid and this exception situation is not handled: ABEXA 01603 ABAP_EXAMPLE_END
ABAP_EXAMPLE_VX5 Handling exceptions using exception classes. The above exception is represented by the exception class CX_SY_ZERODIVIDE>>, which is a subclass of the exception class CX_SY_ARITHMETIC_ERROR>>. Therefore, the exception can be handled as follows (the ERR_TEXT> variable is passed the text Division by zero.>): ABEXA 01604 ABAP_EXAMPLE_END BEGIN_SECTION VERSION 5 OUT
Example ABAP Coding
Handling exceptions as catchable runtime errors. Since the runtime error COMPUTE_INT_ZERODIVIDE> is catchable and assigned to the exception group> ARITHMETIC_ERRORS>, it can also be handled using the obsolete statement CATCH SYSTEM-EXCEPTIONS>>. ABEXA 01605 ABAP_EXAMPLE_END END_SECTION VERSION 5 OUT