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ABAP and JavaScript
In the kernel of an AS ABAP, a JavaScript (JS) Engine is integrated, in which JavaScript programs can be executed either in normal or in debugging mode (server-side scripting). The JavaScript (JS) Engine used supports JavaScript Version 1.5. Proxies can be used to bind script variables to data objects in ABAP programs.
The class CL_JAVA_SCRIPT implements an API, which can be used in ABAP programs, for the JavaScript (JS) Engine implemented in the kernel. This class encapsulates the JavaScript C Engine API and makes methods and attributes available to the ABAP programmer to perform JavaScript programs.

Latest notes:

Support for the connection of JavaScript to ABAP is scheduled to be discontinued. This means that the class CL_JAVA_SCRIPT can no longer be used.

Example ABAP Coding

The program DEMO_JAVA_SCRIPT_MINI_EDITOR is an example of a minimal JavaScript editor in which JavaScript programs can be edited, executed, and tested. This program was created using ABAP methods only and uses the class CL_JAVA_SCRIPT.