Below is a list of important SAP Project system tables including information, how they are related to other SAP database tables and links to each individual table. From here you can get full details including field list, check tables, text tables etc.
Also see here for a full list of SAP project system tables check out SAP PS Tables available in SAP
Project system tables ARKOPF - Archiving run header data VSKOPF - Version: Header - general data for a RSTHIE - BRST structure of the hierarchy table PSDYRH - LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under RSTHIE PROJ - Project definition PSDYPD - LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under PROJ VBAK - Sales Document: Header Data VBUK - Sales Doc.: Header Status and Administrative Data VBKD - Sales Document: Business Data VBAP - Sales Document: Item Data VBUP - Sales Document: Item Status VBKDPO - Sales document: Business item data (POSNR > 0) FPLA - Billing plan FPLT - Billing Plan: Dates PSDYVB - LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under VBAP PSDYVK - LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under VBAK PRPS_R - Project Hierarchy Reporting Structure PRTE - Scheduling Data for Project Item PSMLST - Milestone I/O Table PSTX - PS Texts (Header) PLAF - Planned order PSMERK_PRPS - Characteristics for Summarization for WBS Elements KBED04 - Capacity Requirement Recs for Planned Orders (LDB) RESB04 - Reservation/dependent reqs for plan order (LDB) PSDYPR - LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under PRPS_R AUFK - Order master data AFKO - Order Header Data PP Orders AFPO - Order Item AFFL - Work order sequence ACT01 - Activity for LDB 01 AFAB01 - Network Relationship (for LDB) - 01 MLSTD - Milestone I/O Table PSTX1 - PS Texts (Header) for Activity (1) AFFH01 - Order PRT Data (for LDB) - 01 KBED01 - Capacity Requirement Records (for LDB) - 01 KBEZ - Additional data for table KBED (for ind.req/split) KPER - Additional data for KBEZ (person split in days) AFRU02 - Order Confirmations (for LDB) -02 RESB01 - Reservation/Dependent Requirement for LDB-01 PSDYOK - LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under RESB01 AFRU01 - Order Confirmations (for LDB) - 01 PSMERK_ACT - Charactersitics for Summarization for Activity PSDYNV - LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under ACT01 AFIH - Maintenance order header PSDYNP - LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under AUFK IMTP - Investment programs IMPR - Investment Program Positions PSDYIP - LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under IMPR PSDYPG - LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under IMTP PEGOB - Peg (master data of the CO object) PEGQTY - Assigned pegging object quantities PSDYPEG - LDB PSJ: Dummy Structure Under PEGOB ELM_PS - Additional data for hierarchy nodes (LDB PSJ) JSTO - Status object information PSTAT - Condensed status display JCDO - Change Documents for Status Object (Table JSTO) JEST - Individual Status per Object JCDS - Change docs. for system/user status (table JEST) ONR00 - General Object Number RPSCO1 - Summarization Table for Project Reporting RPSQT - Summarization table for project reporting (quants) EV_PARAM - Object parameters for earned value analysis EV_POC - Earned value analysis: percentage of completion EV_VAL - Earned value analysis: earned value COBRA - Settlement Rule for Order Settlement COBRB - Distribution rules for sett. rule for order sett. BPHI1 - Cross-hierarchy data Control BPTR1 - Object Data Control BPGE1 - Totals record total value Control BPVG1 - Table Generated for View BPVG1 BKHS1 - Header - Unit Costing (Control + Totals) HEAD10 - SAPscript: Text Header LINE10 - SAPscript: Text Lines BKHT1 - Texts for CKHS BKIS1 - Individual calculation/verification item gen. BKIT1 - Texts for CKIS BKIP1 - Periodic Values for Unit Costing Item BPJA1 - Totals record for total year value Control BPVJ1 - Table Generated for View BPVJ1 BKHS2 - Header - Unit Costing (Control + Totals) HEAD20 - SAPscript: Text Header LINE20 - SAPscript: Text Lines BKHT2 - Texts for CKHS BKIS2 - Individual calculation/verification item gen. BKIT2 - Texts for CKIS BKIP2 - Periodic Values for Unit Costing Item BPPE1 - Totals Record for Period Values Control BPVP1 - Table Generated for View BPVP1 BPIG1 - Budget Object Index (Overall Budget) BPIJ1 - Budget Object Index (Annual Budget) COKA1 - CO Object: Cost Element Control Data COKP1 - CO Object: Primary Planning Control Data HEAD11 - SAPscript: Text Header LINE11 - SAPscript: Text Lines CKHS1 - Header - Unit Costing (Control + Totals) CKHT1 - Texts for CKHS HEAD12 - SAPscript: Text Header LINE12 - SAPscript: Text Lines CKIS1 - Individual calculation/verification item gen. CKIT1 - Texts for CKIS CKIP1 - Periodic Values for Unit Costing Item COSP1 - CO Object: Cost Totals for External Postings COVP11 - CO object: Line items with doc. header (by period) COEPD11 - CO object: Unvaluated ln. item settlement w/status COEPBR11 - CO Object: Valuated Line Item Settlement COVJ11 - CO object: Line items with doc header (by year) COVO1 - CO Object: Open Items for Line Items (w/o doc.Hdr) COSPD1 - CO object: External cost totals - calculated COSPP - Transfer of Order in the COSP Table to the Project COKS1 - CO Object: Control Data for Secondary Planning HEAD13 - SAPscript: Text Header LINE13 - SAPscript: Text Lines COSS1 - CO Object: Cost Totals for Internal Postings COVP12 - CO object: Line items with doc. header (by period) COEPD12 - CO object: Unvaluated ln. item settlement w/status COEPBR12 - CO Object: Valuated Line Item Settlement COVJ12 - CO object: Line items with doc header (by year) COVO12 - CO object: Fxd price agreement commitment ln items COSSD1 - CO object: Internal cost totals - calculated COSSP - Transfer of the Order COSS Table to the Project COKR1 - CO Object: Control Data for Statistical Key Figs HEAD14 - SAPscript: Text Header LINE14 - SAPscript: Text Lines COSR1 - CO Object: Statistical Key Figure Totals COVPR1 - CO object: Stat. key figure line items by period COVJR1 - CO object: Line items stat. key figures (by year) COSL1 - CO Object: Activity Type Totals COVPL1 - CO object: Activity type line items by period COVJL1 - CO object: Line items for acty types (by year) COSLD - CO object: Activity type sums - calculated COSB1 - CO Object: Total Variances/Results Analyses COVPB1 - CO object: Variance/accrual line items by period COSBD1 - CO object: Sums of variance/accrual - calculated ANIA1 - Depr. simulation for invest. projects ANIB1 - Invest. projects: Depr. simulation analysis report ANLI1 - Link table for capital investment measure -> AuC FMSU1 - FM totals records for financial data COVFP1 - CO object: Financial data line items with doc. hdr TPI031 - CO Objects: Date of Last Interest Run EKKO - Purchasing Document Header EKPO - Purchasing Document Item EKET - Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines EKKN - Account Assignment in Purchasing Document EKBE - Purchasing Document History EBAN - Purchase requisition EBKN - Purchase Requisition Account Assignment FPLAPS - Billing plan for PSP network plan FPLTPS - Billing plan for PSP/network (dates) LIKP - SD Document: Delivery Header Data LIPS - SD document: Delivery: Item data PSMERK - Characteristics for summarization wo.classificatn DRAD - Document-object link