The report SALV_DEMO_TREE_SETTINGS demonstrates the SALV TREE functionality cl_salv_tree (Fullscreen Tree) with a focus on setting a number of specific properties of items and nodes including 

Display the leaves with checkboxes
Change the folder icons
Remove Nodes


Note: If there is no data displayed within the ALV tree report on your system you may be able to create the data by executing report BCALV_GENERATE_ALV_T_T2</p>

ABAP code to call this SAP report using the submit statement


SUBMIT SALV_DEMO_TREE_SETTINGS AND RETURN. “Return to original report after report execution complete 

SUBMIT SALV_DEMO_TREE_SETTINGS VIA SELECTION-SCREEN. “Display selection screen of the submitted report to the user 

See more syntax options for the ABAP SUBMIT statement 

Text pool values

Selection Text: P_AMOUNT = Number of Data Records 
Selection Text: P_FULL = Full Screen 
Selection Text: P_TREE = Tree on Screen 
Title: Demonstration Program for ALV OM Tree: Settings 
Text Symbol: 001 = Flight Price 
Text Symbol: B01 = Delete 
Text Symbol: B02 = Delete Selected Nodes 
Text Symbol: H01 = This is the header area 
Text Symbol: H02 = This is the footer area 
Text Symbol: HD1 = Hierarchy 
Text Symbol: HI1 = Checked 
Text Symbol: HT1 = This is the hierarchy column 
Text Symbol: I08 = ‘added_function’ Event for Function Code: 
Text Symbol: I09 = ‘before_user_command’ Event for Function Code: 
Text Symbol: I10 = ‘after_user_command’ Event for Function Code: 

SAP Module / Component 

Basis Components -> Basis Services / Communication Interfaces -> SAP List Viewer(BC-SRV-ALV)