Set SALV color values

The below ABAP code uses the CL_SALV_TABLE class to create an ABAP ALV report and use the SALV color options to set the row, column or field colours. The report first selects data from database table SFLIGHT and displays it to the user as an ALV grid much the same as the very basic SALV example which demonstrates the simplest form of this type of SALV report.

It then implements more advanced features such as:

  • Set the colour of the row within the ALV report
  • Set the colour of the column within the ALV report
  • Set the colour of an individual report field 
  • ABAP code to Hide a specific ALV column based on the field name
  • Modify the text of any of the column headers 
  • Set the individual width of each column
  • Add an overall report title/header

Set SALV row and field color

*& TITLE: SALV report using CL_SALV_TABLE class
*& Report  ZALV_COLO
*& Output: Simple ALV report using CL_SALV_TABLE class which also implements the following:
*& Set whole row colour
*& Set column colour
*& Set individual field colour
*& Hide a specific column
*& Update column header text
*& Set column width 
*& Set report title/header 
REPORT zsalv_colo.

TYPES: BEGIN OF t_report.
        INCLUDE STRUCTURE sflight.
TYPES: row_colo TYPE lvc_t_scol.
TYPES: END OF t_report.

DATA: it_report TYPE TABLE OF t_report.

DATA: lt_scol TYPE lvc_t_scol,
      wa_scol TYPE lvc_s_scol.

DATA salv_table TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table.          "The ALV table
DATA salv_columns TYPE REF TO cl_salv_columns_table."All column properties

FIELD-SYMBOLS: <report> TYPE t_report .

  PERFORM setup_alv.         "setup SALV report

  PERFORM data_retrieval.    " get data from SAP tables
  PERFORM row_colo_settings. "Row colour settings

  salv_table->display( ).   "Display the SALV report to the user

*& FORM data_retrieval.
FORM data_retrieval.

* Select data from database table SFLIGHT
   UP TO 20 ROWS
    FROM sflight

ENDFORM.                    " DATA_RETRIEVAL

*& FORM display_settings.
FORM setup_alv.
  DATA: err_message TYPE REF TO cx_salv_msg.

        r_salv_table = salv_table
        t_table      = it_report ).

      salv_columns = salv_table->get_columns( ).

*     set_optimize optimises the column width and will remove any width specification 
*     setup within column settings i.e. single_column->set_output_length
      salv_columns->set_optimize( 'X' ). "optimise colums of SALV grid

*     Assign field of SALV internal tablee that will store colour 
*     setting for each row
      salv_columns->set_color_column( 'ROW_COLO' )."set line colour of SALV report

      PERFORM layout_settings.

*     Setup each column including header text, visibility of a column
      PERFORM column_settings.

*     Setup SALV toolbar
      PERFORM functions_settings.

*     Setup display settings such as report title, zebra-striped pattern etc
      PERFORM display_settings.

    CATCH cx_salv_msg INTO err_message.
*   Add error processing

*& FORM layout_settings.
FORM layout_settings.
  DATA: layout TYPE REF TO cl_salv_layout.
  DATA: layout_key TYPE salv_s_layout_key.

  layout = salv_table->get_layout( ).

  layout_key-report = sy-repid.
  layout->set_key( layout_key ).

  layout->set_save_restriction( if_salv_c_layout=>restrict_none ).
ENDFORM.                    "layout_settings

*& FORM column_settings.
*  The ALV report will retrieve what it can from the associated
*  internal table to build the fieldcatalog but you can overwrite them
*  or add additional ones here i.e. column colour, hide a column,
*  change header text, etc
FORM column_settings.
  DATA: err_notfound TYPE REF TO cx_salv_not_found.
  DATA: wa_scolo TYPE lvc_s_colo.
  DATA column TYPE REF TO cl_salv_column.           "Single column (header txt, hide column)
  DATA column_tab TYPE REF TO cl_salv_column_table. "table of column properties (col colour)

      column = salv_columns->get_column( 'CARRID' ).
      column->set_short_text( 'Carrier ID' ).  "Note: if text too long it will cause syntax error
      column->set_medium_text( 'Carrier ID' ).
      column->set_long_text( 'Carrier ID' ).
      column->set_output_length( '15' ). "Set specific width
      column->set_visible( if_salv_c_bool_sap=>true ).   "not reuired as true is the default 
                                                         "but just demonstrate the functionality

      column = salv_columns->get_column( 'SEATSOCC_F' ).
      column->set_visible( if_salv_c_bool_sap=>false ). " hide a specifi SALV column

      column_tab ?= salv_columns->get_column( 'PAYMENTSUM' ).
      wa_scolo-col = 3. "yellow
      wa_scolo-int = 1. "intesified
      column_tab->set_color( wa_scolo ).

    CATCH cx_salv_not_found INTO err_notfound.
*   Add error processing

*& FORM functions_settings.
*  The code below simply displays all available functions within the
* ALV toolbar but this list can be restricted if required
FORM functions_settings.
  DATA: functions TYPE REF TO cl_salv_functions_list.

  functions = salv_table->get_functions( ).
  functions->set_all( ).

*& FORM display_settings.
FORM display_settings.
  DATA: display_settings TYPE REF TO cl_salv_display_settings.

  display_settings = salv_table->get_display_settings( ).
  display_settings->set_striped_pattern( if_salv_c_bool_sap=>true ).
  display_settings->set_list_header( 'Display Flight report' ).

*       Setup colour settings for each row of the output table
*col_1 col_background        '0'.
*col_1 col_heading           '1'.
*col_1 col_normal            '2'.
*col_1 col_total             '3'.
*col_1 col_key               '4'.
*col_1 col_positive          '5'.
*col_1 col_negative          '6'.
*col_1 col_group             '7'.
FORM row_colo_settings .

  INCLUDE <color>. "click here to see possible colour values

  LOOP AT it_report ASSIGNING <report> .
    CASE sy-tabix.
      WHEN 1." set the colour of following fields on row 1
        wa_scol-fname = 'CARRID'.
        wa_scol-color-col = 2.
        wa_scol-color-int = 1.
        wa_scol-color-inv = 0.
        APPEND wa_scol TO <report>-row_colo.

        wa_scol-fname = 'CONNID'.
        wa_scol-color-col = 3.
        wa_scol-color-int = 1.
        wa_scol-color-inv = 0.
        APPEND wa_scol TO <report>-row_colo.
      WHEN 2. " set colour of following fields on row 2
        wa_scol-fname = 'CARRID'.
        wa_scol-color-col = 4.
        wa_scol-color-int = 1.
        wa_scol-color-inv = 0.
        APPEND wa_scol TO <report>-row_colo.

        wa_scol-fname = 'CONNID'.
        wa_scol-color-col = 5.
        wa_scol-color-int = 1.
        wa_scol-color-inv = 0.
        APPEND wa_scol TO <report>-row_colo.

        wa_scol-fname = 'FLDATE'.
        wa_scol-color-col = 6.
        wa_scol-color-int = 1.
        wa_scol-color-inv = 0.
        APPEND wa_scol TO <report>-row_colo.

      WHEN 3. " set colour of following fields on row 3
        wa_scol-fname = 'CARRID'.
        wa_scol-color-col = 3.
        wa_scol-color-int = 1.
        wa_scol-color-inv = 0.
        APPEND wa_scol TO <report>-row_colo.

        wa_scol-fname = 'CONNID'.
        wa_scol-color-col = 4.
        wa_scol-color-int = 1.
        wa_scol-color-inv = 0.
        APPEND wa_scol TO <report>-row_colo.

        wa_scol-fname = 'FLDATE'.
        wa_scol-color-col = 5.
        wa_scol-color-int = 1.
        wa_scol-color-inv = 0.
        APPEND wa_scol TO <report>-row_colo.

        wa_scol-fname = 'PRICE'.
        wa_scol-color-col = 6.
        wa_scol-color-int = 1.
        wa_scol-color-inv = 0.
        APPEND wa_scol TO <report>-row_colo.

        wa_scol-fname = 'CURRENCY'.
        wa_scol-color-col = 7.
        wa_scol-color-int = 1.
        wa_scol-color-inv = 0.
        APPEND wa_scol TO <report>-row_colo.

      WHEN 4 OR 5. "set the colour of the whole row
*       You can also set the colour of the whole row by leaving the field name 
*       field (i.e. fname ) blank
        IF <report>-price GT 5000.
          CLEAR: wa_scol-fname.
          wa_scol-color-col = 6.
          wa_scol-color-int = 1.
          wa_scol-color-inv = 0.
          APPEND wa_scol TO <report>-row_colo.
          CLEAR: wa_scol-fname.
          wa_scol-color-col = 5.
          wa_scol-color-int = 1.
          wa_scol-color-inv = 0.
          APPEND wa_scol TO <report>-row_colo.
ENDFORM.                    " ROW_COLO_SETTINGS

Set SALV column color

If you just implement the column color code in the program above theputput will look like the following

set colour of SALV column