The SAP CRM Recursive call error for SAP function module CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN is caused by nested calling of the FM i.e. calling it while already within a call to CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN. Also happens via function module CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN_MULTI_OW which also performs the recursive check.
Function module CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN appears several times in the current hierarchy for the calls. This is not scheduled. There is an error in the program.
Solution for crm Recursive call
Try using different function modules to perform the CRM updates such as:
CRM_STATUS_MAINTAIN_OW to Update status values usking
This FM updates the STATUS values
CALL FUNCTION ‘CRM_STATUS_MAINTAIN_OW’EXPORTINGit_status_com = lt_user_status* IT_STATUS_COMINT =* IV_CHECK_ONLY = FALSE* IV_TRACE =* IV_NO_1O_MAINTAIN = FALSE* IV_FORCE_1O_MAINTAIN = FALSE* IV_GET_ACTUAL_EXCPN = FALSECHANGINGct_input_field_names = lt_input_field_namesEXCEPTIONSnot_allowed = 1error_occurred = 2warning_occurred = 3OTHERS = 4.
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Check if within CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN update
DATA: lv_raise_exceptions TYPE crmt_boolean VALUE ‘X’, lv_recursive_call TYPE i, lv_maintain_active TYPE i, lv_recursive_save TYPE i.
* For the OW function modules to work it needs to be within an CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN* update but too many recursive calls to this can cause SAP DUMP** CRM_ORDER_CHECK_RECURSIVE_OW check if you are already within an update and can use* The OW functionsCALL FUNCTION ‘CRM_ORDER_CHECK_RECURSIVE_OW’ EXPORTING iv_raise_exceptions = lv_raise_exceptions IMPORTING ev_recursive_call = lv_recursive_call ev_maintain_active = lv_maintain_active ev_recursive_save = lv_recursive_save EXCEPTIONS recursive_call = 2 recursive_save = 4 call_without_order_maintain = 6 OTHERS = 8.
* If return code is call_without_order_maintain then you need to perform update* using the CRM_ORDER_MAINTAINIF sy-subrc = 6. ” CALL FUNCTION ‘CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN’ ” EXPORTING ” it_status = ” new status details ” CHANGING ” ct_orderadm_i = ” orderadm_i values ” ct_input_fields = ” input_field values ” EXCEPTIONS ” error_occurred = 1 ” document_locked = 2 ” no_change_allowed = 3 ” no_authority = 4 ” OTHERS = 5.* Else you can use OW function modulesELSE.* Call an alternate OW function module such as CRM_STATUS_MAINTAIN_OW to update STATUS ” CALL FUNCTION ‘CRM_STATUS_MAINTAIN_OW’ ” EXPORTING ” it_status_com = ” new status details ” CHANGING ” ct_input_field_names = ” input_field values ” EXCEPTIONS ” not_allowed = 1 ” error_occurred = 2 ” warning_occurred = 3 ” OTHERS = 4.ENDIF.
Other CRM update FM’s to check