CL_MOBILE_SYSTEM_LOGIN is a standard SAP object class available within R/3 SAP systems depending on your version and release level. Below is the standard documentation available for this class interface including details of any methods, attributes, events etc…
You can view this information and more if you enter the class name CL_MOBILE_SYSTEM_LOGINinto the relevant SAP transactions such as SE24, SE80 or even SE84. Also see the Contribute section below to view other useful tips, screenshots, links and general information related to this SAP class and its methods. Or even add your own for future reference.
This OO class has a superclass assigned to it, which means it will inherit its objects and methods. The superclass for CL_MOBILE_SYSTEM_LOGIN is CL_ICF_SYSTEM_LOGIN
A method is a coding block that performs a certain procedure (i.e. ABAP functionality) on an object within the overall SAP class. In simple terms, if the object is an SAP database table a method could be the procedure to add a record or to delete a record. If you are new to OO in many respects, the implementation of a method is similar to a function module and can be called in a very similar way using CALL METHOD.
Instead of “CALL FUNCTION”, Methods are referenced using the following syntax: CALL METHOD CL_ABAP_CHAR_UTILITIES=>methodname EXPORTING/IMPORTING…
FORMAT_SYSTEM_MESSAGES -Format System Messages
WRITE_CONTENT_BEGIN_HTML -Write Content Begin Html
WRITE_CONTENT_END_HTML -Write Content End Html
WRITE_CSS_STYLE -Javascript Functions
WRITE_MESSAGE_HTML -Write Message Html
Full list of Methods
IF_ICF_SYSTEM_LOGIN_CONFIG~GET_CONFIG_FEATURES Instance Method Public IF_ICF_SERVICE_EXTENSION~CONFIGURATION Configuration Entry for ICF Service IS_XSRF_LOGON_ACTIVE Specifies whether the logon is done without XSRF protection GET_GLOBAL_PARAMS Determine Global Logon Parameters HTM_CHANGE_PASSWD Change Password Layout HTM_LOGIN Layout for Logon HTM_MESSAGE_BOX Layout for Info Box HTM_SESSION_QUERY Layout for Session Query HTM_SYSTEM_MESSAGE Layout for System Logons (SM02) ON_ICF_CALL Forward User Actions SET_GLOBAL_PARAMS Set Globale Logon Parameters LOG__ACTIVATE IS_CLIENT_READONLY Client cannot be changed by the user IS_LANGUAGE_READONLY Can the user change the language? BUILD_HIDDEN_FIELDS Write Hidden Form Fields GET_SCREEN_INFO Logon and System Information WRITE_HIDDEN_FIELDS Write Hidden Form Fields WRITE_JS_FUNCTIONS Javascript Functions WRITE_JS_HTML_FUNCTIONS GET_SESSIONS_TO_DELETE2 WRITE_RESPONSE Create Server Response HTM_INACTIVE_ICF_NODES LOG__MSG GET_SESSIONS_TO_DELETE HTM_REDIRECT Forwarding Using POST
List of attributes within class CL_MOBILE_SYSTEM_LOGIN. These can be referenced using the following syntax CL_MOBILE_SYSTEM_LOGIN=>. Although depending on where you are inserting the ABAP code you do need to check if the attribute is public or private.
Name | Description | Initial Value |
CO_ITS_FORM_LOGIN | Co Its Form Login | ‘MobileLoginForm’ |
CO_ITS_JS_SUBMIT_CHANGEPWD | Co Its Js Submit Changepwd | ‘MobileSubmitChangePwd’ |
CO_ITS_JS_SUBMIT_CONTINUE | Co Its Js Submit Continue | ‘MobileSubmitContinue’ |
CO_ITS_JS_SUBMIT_LOGIN | Co Its Js Submit Login | ‘MobileSubmitLogin’ |
CO_ITS_JS_SUBMIT_QUERYSESS | Co Its Js Submit Querysess | ‘MobileSubmitQuerySession’ |
Events of the Class CL_MOBILE_SYSTEM_LOGIN
Events are created within your class using special event handler methods. These must be registered at runtime for the event and can then be triggered using the ABAP syntax: RAISE EVENT EXPOTING…
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