SAP date_after_range error

If you are using SAP functionality to check a date, for example maybe you are using the below function module to check if a date is a working day or not you may get the date_after_range error. CALL FUNCTION ‘DATE_CHECK_WORKINGDAY’ EXPORTING date = ld_date factory_calendar_id = ‘GB’ message_type = ‘S’ EXCEPTIONS date_after_range = 1 date_before_range

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ABAP predefined data types such as Char, Date, Time, integer

Simple ABAP code to demonstrate the ABAP predefined data types such as Char, Date, Time, integer. Note you would usually have all the WRITE statements after all the data declarations but just makes it clearer to put them together for this example ABAP code list to demonstrate data types *&——————————-* *& Report ZABAP_DATA_TYPES *&——————————-* *&——————————-*

ABAP predefined data types such as Char, Date, Time, integer Read More »

Email ABAP report PDF

The below code to demonstrates how to email ABAP report PDF. It generates an ALV output of personal numbers (PERNRS) and then converts this to a PDF document. Its then sends an external email with the PDF as an attachment SAP ABAP report functionality used by this report Email address input selection screen fields Display

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Use logical database selection screen ABAP Code

Simple ABAP code to demonstrate how to manipulate a logical database selection screen which is assigned and setup within menu option Goto->properties. This example SAP ABAP HR report implements the following functionality: Use of HR logical database selection screen with standard ABAP report. Set default time period/key date for HR logical database report. Set other

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ABAP SUBMIT to execute second SAP report

Below is example code snippet to use the ABAP SUBMIT statement within your SAP report programs so that you can execute a second report with the required values. And control whether the process flow then returns to the original report or ends with the call report. Simple SUBMIT example *&———————————————————————* REPORT ZTEST_CALL. DATA: lt_seltab TYPE

ABAP SUBMIT to execute second SAP report Read More »