Using CL_SALV_TABLE class to create a very simple ABAP ALV report that selects data from database table SFLIGHT and displays it to the user as an ALV grid via the cl_salv_table=>factory method. This is just a very basic output but demonstrates how you can display a grid report with s little as 12 lines of code, you could actually get it lower than this.
*& TITLE: Simple ALV report using CL_SALV_TABLE class *&-------------------------------* *& Report ZALV_SIMPLE *&-------------------------------* *& Output very simple ALV report using CL_SALV_TABLE class *&-------------------------------* REPORT ZALV_SIMPLE. DATA: it_report TYPE TABLE OF sflight. DATA: salv_table TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table. *------------------ START-OF-SELECTION. * Select data from database table SFLIGHT SELECT * UP TO 20 ROWS from SFLIGHT INTO TABLE it_report. * Create an instance of the SALV table object CALL METHOD cl_salv_table=>factory EXPORTING list_display = if_salv_c_bool_sap=>false IMPORTING r_salv_table = salv_table CHANGING t_table = it_report. *---------------- END-OF-SELECTION. * Output ALV report to user salv_table->display( ).