SAP Search help parameter settings

sap search help parameters

Selection Method

Selection method of an elementary search help – The possible entries for a field displayed in the hit list are determined at runtime by selection from the database. The selection method describes the database object from which the data is read. A database table or view can be defined as a selection method. 

To use a field of the selection method in the input help (as a field in the dialog box for restricting values, as a column in the hit list or as a value returned to the screen), a parameter with the same name must be inserted in the search help.

Text table 

Text table for selection method – If a database table that has a text table is specified as the selection method of an elementary search help, the non-key fields of this text table can also be used in the input help process.

As for fields of the selection method itself, a parameter with the same name must be inserted in the search help.

Dialog type

The dialog type defines the dialog steps executed for an input help. 

There are the following dialog types: 

-Immediate value display: The hit list is displayed immediately after the input help has been called. This option is advisable if the hit list usually contains only a few entries. 
-Dialog with value restriction: The dialog box for restricting values is displayed immediately. Select this option if the list of possible entries is normally very large. Restricting the set of data to be processed increases the clarity of the hit list and reduces the system load during value selection. 
-Dialog depends on value set: If the hit list contains less than 100 entries, it is displayed immediately. If the hit list contains more than 100 entries, the dialog box for restricting values is displayed.

Hot key

The hotkey permits the user to select an elementary search help from the collective search help directly in the input field with the short notation. The restrictions can also be entered directly in the dialog box for restricting values. 

Letters and digits are allowed as hotkey.

Search help exit

A search help exit is a function module for making the input help process described by the search help more flexible than possible with the standard version. 

This function module must have the same interface as the function module F4IF_SHLP_EXIT_EXAMPLE. The search help exit may also have further optional parameters (in particular any EXPORTING parameters). 

A search help exit is called at certain time points in the input help process. 

Note: The source text and long documentation of the above-specified function module (including the long documentation about the parameters) contain information about using search help exits. 

Function modules are provided in the function library for operations that are frequently executed in search help exits. The names of these function modules begin with the prefix F4UT_. These function modules can either be used directly as search help exits or used within other search help exits. You can find precise instructions for use in the long documentation for the corresponding function module.


The parameters of a search help define the context data to be used in the input help and the data that can be returned to the input template. There must be a parameter of the search help corresponding to each field in the dialog box for restricting values and to each field in the hit list. 

The parameters of an elementary search help correspond to fields of the selection method. They can copy the necessary fields of the selection method to this field as search help parameters with the input help. 

In exceptions, parameters that do not correspond to any field of the selection method must be inserted. This can be necessary if the search help uses a search help exit that needs additional parameters. 

Note: The search help may not contain any parameter for the client. The input help automatically selects the user’s login client.


Flag if the parameter is an import parameter. 

Context information from the processed input template (screen) can be copied to the help process with an import parameter. Where an import parameter gets its values from is defined when the search help is attached to the corresponding field of the input template.


Flag if the parameter is an export parameter. 

Values can be returned from the hit list to the input template (screen) with an export parameter. The fields of the input template in which the contents of the export parameter are returned are defined by the search help attachment.


Position in the hit list of an elementary search help 

The position of the parameter in the hit/results list. 
If the parameter should not appear in the hit list, leave this field empty. No position number may occur more than once in this column, but gaps are allowed. They do not affect the design of the hit list. 

Note: In an elementary search help, at least one parameter should appear in the hit list. The only exception to this rule is the elementary search help, in which the display of the hit list is entirely copied from a search help exit.


Position in dialog box of an elementary search help 

The position of the search help parameter in the dialog box for limiting the hit list. 

If the parameter should not appear in this dialog box, leave this field empty. If no such dialog box appears while making possible entries as defined by this elementary search help, leave this field empty for all parameters. 

No position number may occur twice in this column, but gaps are allowed. They do not affect how the selection screen looks.


Display field in dialog box of an elementary search help <br
If this flag is set, the search help parameter appears in the selection popup window for restricting values as a pure display field. 

The contents of the parameter inform the user about the restriction, but he cannot change it. This is advisable for example when the parameter is an import parameter or if it has a default value.

Data Element

The assigned data element, the type of search help parameter must be defined by assigning a data element. 

This data element defines the output attributes and help functions of the parameter on the popup window for restricting values and in the hit list. 

Normally the parameter gets the data element from the field of the selection method having the same name. If the data element of this field changes, the search help is automatically adjusted, i.e. the data element is also changed there. 

-Assigning another data element 

Set the Modified flag. You can now enter values for the field Data element. You can enter a new data element, but it must have the same data type, length and number of decimal places as the previous one. 

This cancels the link between the data element of the search help parameter and the data element of the corresponding field of the selection method. 

If you want to use the data element of the assigned field of the selection method again, you only have to cancel the Modified flag.


Data element. of parameter indep. of field of selection method 
This flag shows if the data element of the parameter is linked to the data element of the field of the selection method having the same name. 

Normally the parameter gets the data element from the field of the selection method having the same name. If the data element of this field changes, the search help is automatically adjusted, i.e. the data element is also changed there. 

-Assigning another data element 
Set the Modified flag. You can now enter values for the field Data element. You can enter a new data element, but it must have the same data type, length and number of decimal places as the previous one. 

This cancels the link between the data element of the search help parameter and the data element of the corresponding field of the selection method. 

If you want to use the data element of the assigned field of the selection method again, you only have to cancel the Modified flag. 

Note: An elementary search help can also have parameters that do not have a field with the same name in the selection method. Such parameters could be needed for example if the search help is assigned a search help exit. A data element must always be defined for such parameters. The Modified flag is not offered for such parameters.


Default value for a search help parameter 

A default value of the right type can be assigned to a parameter of a search help. The parameter is assigned this default value in the following cases when the input help is called: 

1. If the parameter is not an IMPORT parameter. 
2. If nothing is assigned to the parameter in the search help attachment with which the search help is attached to the screen field. 
3. If in the search help attachment a field was assigned to the parameter that does not exist on the screen or in the flow logic (module pool) in the input help process. 
4. If a search help is included in a collective search help and the parameter is not linked with any parameter of this collective search help. 

There are the following options for the default values: 
a) Constants enclosed in apostrophes (‘). The constant must be specified in internal representation for parameters whose data type has an editing mask (e.g. date and time). For example, the date 01.03.1998 must be defined as ‘19980301’. 
b) System fields. These are fields of the DDIC structure SYST where the prefix SY- can be used instead of the prefix SYST-. 
c) The ID of a GET parameter.